To my dead daughter, Thea. I miss you so much, even 15 years later. Why
did you have to go? Why am I still brushing away that tear from the corner
of my eye? I should be doing that when I see you win awards, bring home
your first boyfriend, feeling my heart burst with pride. Not sorrow. I wish I
could have seen you grow and become the beautiful young woman I am
sure you would have been. So many what ifs. So many lost memories. So
many regrets. So few days. Sleep tight my Thea bird and fly high with
your Angel wings.
Viktoria Jowers-wilding
25th July 2015
Thank you for creating a Lullaby Trust Memorial. We are thinking of you, and are here if at any time you would like some support or a listening ear.
With best wishes, The Lullaby Trust.